Press Kit for Coverage of the Video of Baffle Away Bullying
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Scarlett: Francesca Fong
Brandon: Joshua Perry
Caroline: Payton Rosen
Robert: Brody Testa
Jack: Luke Renner
Samantha: Ezri Alvarez
Olivia: Elle Mikuteit
Amber: Sophie Camilleri
Mrs. Smith: Amy Jones Anichini
About the Show
Has anyone ever been mean to you? Laughed at you? Excluded you? Well, you’re not alone, and there’s a lot you can do about it! Meet Scarlett, Brandon, and Caroline. These clever 3rd graders discovered something empowering: if you turn your encounters with kids who bully into a game, they’ll decide for themselves to leave you alone. Now, Scarlett, Brandon, and Caroline want to teach you how to play the game of Baffle Away Bullying! – 3 simple steps to follow anytime someone mistreats you (or anyone else!)
They’ll teach you how to:
- Stomach breathe to remain calm and manage emotions
- Focus on what makes you happy instead of the negative things happening around you
- Interact in ways that are kind, yet also deflect bullying, meanness, or rudeness.
6 age-appropriate bullying scenarios (including name calling, taunting, exclusion, and mimicking), plus lots of humor, and tons of audience participation are woven throughout the show, delivering a serious topic in a fun and engaging way. Audiences will jump up, shout, and shake it out while learning life skills. Watch for attention-grabbing and often hilarious “freeze” poses as the characters consider their options for baffling while they’re being bullied. But, will the strategies they share be compelling enough to get Robert, one of the most disrespectful kids in class, to realize he can change his behavior? There’s only one way to find out!
Click for Brief Synopsis
Click for Full Synopsis
It’s long! We think it’s important to share as much detail as possible with the hope that you’ll see the potential benefits for your student(s).
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Photo Credit for all images on this page: Darin Fong Photography
Caroline, Scarlett, and Brandon teach students in K-3rd how to play the game of Baffle Away Bullying! Learn life skills to help you build resilience and manage encounters with anyone who mistreats you … or anyone else!
Scarlett introduces Step #1: “Stomach Breathe to Stay Calm.” Then, she, Brandon, and Caroline get the audience on their feet and demonstrate to teach students how to breathe in this calming way. The narrators also use the term “Belly Breathing” for this step, as that term is familiar to many young students. To further hold the audience’s attention, the “Stomach Breathe” blue bubble inflates and deflates as if it’s breathing along with the characters!
Caroline introduces Step #2: “Smile by Thinking Happy Thoughts.” Then, she, Scarlett, and Brandon each share some of their Happy Thoughts with the audience. (See other pictures with each character’s Happy Thoughts on screen.)
Brandon introduces Step #3: “Harmless Words and Actions.” He and other narrators share some examples of what you could say or do to confuse (with kindness!) someone who’s bullying you or being mean.
After introducing Step 2: “Smile by Thinking Happy Thoughts,” each narrator takes turns sharing some of their Happy Thoughts with the audience. Puppies, summertime, and playing at the beach make Caroline happy. The narrators encourage the audience to put their hand up and say, ‘Yay!” if they hear something that makes them happy, too!
Scarlett shares some of her Happy Thoughts: kittens, her favorite song, and laying on the grass and looking up at the clouds. The narrators encourage the audience to put their hand up and say, ‘Yay!” if they hear something that makes them happy, too!
The narrators give ideas about how to do Step #2: Smile by Thinking Happy Thoughts. Sports and playing Minecraft are some of the things that make Brandon happy. The narrators encourage the audience to put their hand up and say, ‘Yay!” if they hear something that makes them happy, too!
The narrators lead the audience in a few brain breaks throughout the show, so they can get the wiggles out and refocus. Still image is on onscreen for 5 seconds with a countdown timer. Video can be paused if audience needs more time.
The narrators share compliments with each other as they explain how to do Step #3: “Harmless Words and Actions.” Then, they give the audience time to pair up and compliment each other. Still image is on onscreen for 30 seconds with a countdown timer. Video can be paused if audience needs more time. This is one of many opportunities throughout the show when the audience gets to participate.
The narrators ask the audience for ideas of how you could respond when someone says you’re weird or strange, or different. Teachers or other adults can call on students in the audience who want to share ideas. Still image is on onscreen for 30 seconds with a countdown timer. Video can be paused if audience needs more time. This is one of many opportunities throughout the show when the audience gets to participate.
In the mimicking scene, Brandon freezes the action while Jack is bullying him, so he can talk to the audience about his options for what he can do. Freeze poses are used many times throughout the show. They’re often funny and are designed to grab the audience’s attention if their focus has drifted!
In the taunting scene, Scarlett freezes the action, so she can talk to the audience about how Robert is treating her and what she could do about it. Freeze poses are used many times throughout the show. They’re often funny and are designed to grab the audience’s attention if their focus has drifted!
In the exclusion scene, Scarlett demonstrates how to use the 3 steps to help out someone else who’s being bullied. She validates Caroline in front of Samantha and Olivia and asks Caroline to play with her.
In the intimidation scene, Robert and Jack make fun of Brandon’s drawing. Then Brandon uses the 3 steps to get Robert and Jack to leave him alone.
After Amber calls her names, Caroline demonstrates how to use the 3 Steps without saying a word. This is a great strategy for when you’re in class and can’t talk or if you’re shy or nervous, like Caroline, about saying something to someone who’s being mean.
Scarlett is one of our 3 narrators and game teachers; she speaks directly to the student audience, teaching them the steps and encouraging them to participate. She’s bright, happy, and confident. She also loves learning and demonstrates great classroom behavior throughout the show.
Brandon is one of our 3 narrators and game teachers. He loves sports and carries his soccer ball around with him for much of the show. He’s a bit of a goofball and interjects lots of humor with his facial expressions and movement as he communicates with the student audience – keeping them focused as well as entertained! He demonstrates great classroom behavior throughout the show and respectful communication with their teacher, Mrs. Smith.
Caroline is one of our 3 narrators and game teachers. She’s shy, quiet, sweet, and kind. She interacts with the student audience in her own calm and reassuring way, so that even the most shy students feel encouraged to participate. She demonstrates respectful classroom behavior throughout the show.
Robert is one of our characters who bully others. He’s disrespectful and often follows along when Jack picks on someone. Toward the end of the show, we realize it’s possible that Robert has been listening to what the narrators have been teaching the student audience. Will he ultimately realize he can change his behavior? Watch the show to find out!
Jack is one of our characters who bully others. He likes to stir up trouble. He’s mean to others because he thinks it makes him look and feel powerful. He’s careful to make sure Mrs. Smith can’t see what he’s doing.
Samantha is one of our characters who bully others. She demonstrates (age-appropriate) clique behavior and is well on her way to being a queen bee. She wants to control her friends and keep them in their place. She expects everyone to go along with what she says.
Olivia is one of our characters who bully others. Fitting in is very important to her. She takes her cues for how to behave from Samantha.