What If It Was You? Scripts


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What If It Was You? – the scripts we use in our ground-breaking Anti-Bullying Empowerment Programs for Older Elementary, Middle, and High Schools – is a collection of age-appropriate vignettes designed to:

  1. Raise awareness about various forms of bullying
  2. Awaken students to how their words and actions impact each other
  3. Give students tools they can use immediately to:
    • Build resilience
    • Overcome and combat bullying, no matter what role they play in the cycle of bullying
    • Manage encounters with bullying behavior as well as mean and rude behaviors

What If It Was You? consists of two different collections of bullying scenarios, each appropriate for a different age group:

  • Scenes for Older Elementary students
  • Scenes for Middle and High School students

Each vignette depicts a different bullying scenario such as:

  • Cyber-bullying
  • Name calling
  • Intimidation
  • Clique behavior
  • Exclusion
  • Eating disorder pressure
  • Isolation
  • Rumor spreading
  • The bully’s perspective
  • Dominance
  • Sexual harassment
  • Demeaning athletic ability
  • Peer pressure
  • Emotionally abusive parent

Intended Audiences: 4th-6th; 7th-12th Grades

Find your voice. Build your resilience. Be part of the solution.

Would you like to be notified when What If It Was You? is available for performance licensing or classroom reading licensing? Just fill out the form below:

Which Age-Appropriate Script are You Interested in?

Please Tell Us Where You Intend to Perform This Script:

No Matter Where Your School is Located In the USA, You Can Hire Us to Perform this Script/Program Virtually for Your Students!

Click the images below to learn more about our programs

Programs for Older Elementary:

Programs for Middle & High Schools: