Baffle That Bully!
The game that puts YOU in control & makes them lose interest
Baffle That Bully! shows you how to maintain your cool while distracting kids who bully: throwing them off their game, and putting them in a game where YOU make the rules. It’s about being the keeper of your own feelings and believing in yourself, no matter what other kids say or do.
Fictional character Scarlett Jones teaches you her 3 Step Strategy for managing encounters with bullies and anyone else who mistreats you. Then she demonstrates how to use the strategy (i.e. play the game) with real examples she calls, “The Bullying Encounters of Scarlett the Baffler.” Build your resilience, and find your voice!
You don’t have to be a victim of bullying
just because you’re a target of bullying
Excerpts from the Book
Hi! I’m Scarlett. Other kids used to pick on me all the time, but guess what I figured out? If you turn your encounters with bullies into a game, they will get bored and leave you alone. Quite simply: it won’t be fun for them anymore! And you’ll do it all without sinking to their level. Now, let me teach you how to play …
If you’re reading this, I bet we have something in common. And it’s good for us to talk about this because you need to know that you’re not the only kids with this problem. Know what else? It’s not your fault, and it can happen to anybody.
How about if I tell you about some of my real experiences so you can get an idea of how this works? … wait until you see how the kids who were bullying reacted when I refused to play their game and instead decided to baffle them! I call them “The Bullying Encounters of Scarlett the Baffler!”
No one can make you feel bad unless you allow yourself to feel bad.
Other kids might want to hurt you. They might want to “make you” feel bad. But you know what? They don’t get to decide when you feel bad. Only you get to decide that.